Another grand experiment begins!
Having recently been told that butter need not be religiously refrigerated, I have migrated a stick from the fridge to the counter housing our other household fats.
Note: don’t miss our groundbreaking, informative earlier post on butter.
Day #1 of Countertop Butter – 3/12/12
- 6:30AM: Put butter on warm When Pigs Fly raisin bread. Room temperature butter goes on warm bread about how you’d imagine soft butter would go on warmed bread. Bread tasted really buttery.
- 6:35AM: Not sick.
- 11:41AM: Still not sick.
- 12:00PM: Now leaning toward the idea that butter, like honey, is magical and takes care of itself… and butter doesn’t need angry bees… just ceramic Buddha… and you can hang out with butter without looking over your shoulder for bears. Grizzly Man is a terrible film, but it did get me thinking about man-eating bears and the need to not let man-eating bears regain a foothold in Boston… if they ever had a foothold in Boston. If the great white sharks are back, can the bears really be all that far behind them?
- 12:45PM: Wondering if countertop butter attracts unwanted ants.
- 12:50PM: Wondering if unwanted ants (who apparently have supernatural strength for their size) can lift Buddha to get at the butter.
- 1:23PM: Confident that Buddha’s too heavy for the ants. Contemplating setting up a Butter-cam, though… just to be safe.
- 2:45PM: Wondering if people would pay to watch a Web feed from my butter cam. This is the type of thing that you’d probably think was stupid (and you’d be correct), but the real question is not “is it stupid,” but rather “are there enough stupid people willing to pay to see something stupid.”
- 3:15PM: Still waiting for my business agent to return my call. *Sigh*
- 11:07PM: I asked ceramic butter-keeper Buddha, “what is butter?” He replied, “forty years and three pounds of flax.” Butter Buddha is wise… or I’m drunk… again.