Some Highlights/Notes from Easter 2013 trip to D.C.: Renaissance Washington – 999 9th Street is a cool address, conveniently located to Union Station and National Mall, and good coffee. 666 6th Street does not exist; I looked. Tour of Capitol.…

Still stumped?

Still don’t know what to get Andy for Christmas his birthday? There’s still time to order extreme tastiness with dual sides of win and wow!

Jackson emails Santa

Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2012 15:37:36 -0500 To: From: Jackson Moore <> Subject: Whistleblower Protection ————————————————- Hi Santa, Sorry to email at what must be a particularly busy time of year for you and the tiny northern Foxconn elves,…

2012 Toy of the Year

This year’s Toy of the Year* award goes to the Elf on the Shelf. Congratulations, pragmatic hunk of felt and plastic, you avoided the recycle bin for another year and won our praise, but beware the fickle apostasy of little…

Entering the Jacksonian Era

Now that a year has passed since Jackson moved in with us, differences between Jackson and Abigail are becoming apparent even to the casual observer. Whereas Abigail tends to build things (or mandate that her parents construct things for her),…

Reality check

Obama, Warren, and Tierney may have won, but the Jets, Mets, and Knickerbockers won’t be winning anything of note anytime soon. The status quo really does have its good points!

Hurricane Sandy Cometh!

School is cancelled today due to Frankenstorm’s monster. We don’t have a fireplace, so we’re just eating and watching television until the power goes out. Actually, we live in Peabody, which has a major mall, so we never lose power…

Denting the Cable – Part I

We don’t really mind paying what we think is fair, but considering how little television we watch these days (damn kids! damn jobs! damn time wasted on exercise and the outdoors!), it bothers us to pay upwards of $170 a…