Today I’d like to take a moment to talk to you about presents… and more specifically… my presents.
I like presents. Presents help to keep me happy. As my parents will tell you, things tend to go more smoothly when I am happy and less smoothly when I am not happy, so it’s in EVERYONE’S best interest to keep me as happy as possible. Lavish gifts cannot guarantee protection from my mercurial temper and violent wrath, but they may indeed mitigate at least a portion of my tantrums.
Towards that end, I would like to remind everyone that it is now March. It’s only taken me two tries to realize that March is a pretty forgettable month overall, but let’s not use that as an excuse to sulk and to lose sight of the big picture. March, especially with our recent 8 inches of sideways rain, is a crappy time to play outside in the sandbox, but it is a wonderful time to get out there and start collecting nifty stuff for the November and December Festivals d’Abby!
Almost a quarter of your Abigail shopping days are ALREADY GONE for this year, so don’t waste another minute! Carpe Toyum!