Having been recently savaged by several diminutive Rooks for being unacceptably pithy in relation to the spicy sauce keeping company a fish taco, I thought it a good time to remind everyone that proper tools make a noticeable difference in performance.
If you want me to produce zest on command, don’t hand me a damn microplane grater when the situation clearly calls for at least a dedicated hand zester, if not a full-on stripper! Graters, friends, tend to overgrate; it’s what they do. Don’t blame me for giant piles of bitter pith when you lay out the wrong equipment in front of me!
I think a knowledgable cook would of known when asked for zest to lightly press on the instrument in question and given us only zest and not pith
Those limes were thin-skinned. One of them looked like it had already been zested in the past!
no excuses
“Hi, Andy,” said Nancy, “can you give us a hand in the kitchen.”
“Sure, Nancy, what do you need?”
“Here’s a stone, Andy. We’d like you to get us some blood from it.”
“No problem, Nancy… just hand me a stripper and a mid-size ball-peen hammer.”
Inexperience is your only defence. Any cook with a history in the kitchen would know that pith is bitter and to avoid it at all costs. The tool one uses can not be held accountable for the pithy zest! It would be the one who zests.
Don’t forget, Andy. “Thus conscience does make cowards of us all; And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry, And lose the name of action.”
Stick to the bold yet lonely enterprises of weighty pith and leave the shallow enterprises of zest to the little cooks!