Category Abigail

The Papa Whisperer

Sometimes it’s difficult to be a toddler. You have short legs, you have limited funds, and you have trouble making your way through crowds on your own. “Perhaps my lazy father is right,” thought Abby. I had considered this very…

Peabody mother solves swing-shortage problem!

Peabody, MA –  Trudi’s quick thinking halted a potentially violent toddler showdown at a local playground on Wednesday. Asked about her heroic actions, Trudi replied, “it came down to simple mathematics. There were three kids and two swings, so a…

We have Splashdown!

At a little after 7:16PM on Sunday, January 23, 2011, Abigail climbed atop the U.S.S. Elmo RSTTU (Regular Sized Toilet Top Unit). Following a 12 minute sequential countdown conducted by Commander Emily Moore and Chief Potty Officer Nancy Rooks, Abigail…


Let the record show that between the minutes of 11:37AM and 11:46AM on December 27, Abigail slaved to produce out of newly fallen snow an 18 inch replica of a snowman. Abigail named her magical new Arctic friend “No Mun.”…

There’s still time!

Your Xmas shopping window is measured in hours now, but there’s still time to get that perfect Abby gift! Blah blah blah… have to go put the baby in the backpack right now. Blah blah blah. No one reads this…